Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I begin this website with this":

The following' information.

Which relates to certain comments placed on a few YouTube videos on earth today.

Recopied and placed here.

Which reflects reverse righteous Christian psychology in a matter of speaking":

Which is addressed in this fashion.

First , let’s look at a comment placed in this video,,,

Attached below:

Regarding this YouTube video here?

Note this here and now:

All these comments I’m reading here in this video  tell me “‘ their are way more righteous sinless trust worthy total holy glories on earth then their are real sinners and that the blood of Jesus is just Simply not truly required for most people.

 In this life… As these comments left here prove. Most people are trust worthy sinless glories who would never hurt anyone. 

 And from these comments , which indicate how so many People are gloriously righteous and trust worthy above Jesus in todays day and age it also tells me by way of 2nd Peter 1;19-21 that Christianity’s Holy Ghost sinfully lies deliberately to everyone of this time period in connection to what Christianity supposedly truthfully teaches humans in a connection of 2nd Peter 1;19-21 with 2nd Timothy 3:-1-9 and 2nd Esdras 14:13-17. 

 Just a quick glance at these comments verifies to all human children on earth that Christianity’s Holy Ghost is a devilish evil liar regarding what Christianity warns humans of supposedly in John 2:24-25, isiah 5:20, Jeremiah 17:5, 2nd Timothy 3:1-9, 2nd Esdras 14:13-17, plus pretty well countless other scriptures in Christianity likewise. Now? In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 Why Christianity’s so called Holy Ghost would be such a deliberate devilish liar to human children on earth and why so many humans on earth can boast that their above Christianity’s deranged Holy Ghost regarding such so called supposedly truthful Christian scriptures? 

 That is a great question for the ages. Especially Regarding what Jesus supposedly warns people of in Matthew 7:13-23 , Luke 6:45-46 and Matthew 11:31-37. Look children of earth. If you defy the instructions of Christianity’s Holy Ghost in countless gloriously sinless righteous ways with satans holy assistance in this life through revelation 16:13-14 and modern technology and if you destroy Mother Earth wildly through modern inventions then you too will be totally sinless on earth today and totally trustworthy above Christianity’s deranged Holy Ghost. 

 Regarding what Christianity’s deranged Holy Ghost stupidly warns humans of in isiah 5:20, Jeremiah 17:5, Luke 21:36, John 2:24-25 , 2nd Timothy 3:1-9, and 2nd Peter 1: 19-21…

 Like most of the obviously sinless people who are leaving comments here . Which comments clearly indicate that these people are totฤly sinless and completely trust worthy above everything Jeremiah 17:5 , 2nd Peter 1:19-21 John 2:24-25 and isiah 5:20 all stupidly state to all humans in this life. Which indicates that these people leaving comments here are all infinitely trustworthy ultimately above Christianity’s so called all divine Holy Ghost in every way fathomable in this life. A few sinners are on earth today. 


Like the trucker referred to in this video. But the majority of humans on earth today are complete trust worthy holy sinless glories who reign infinitely righteously above the deranged Holy Spirit of Christianity’s words attached to Matthew 24:35 , 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Luke 4:4 entirely. And their actions prove it.

 Connected to Matthew 7:16-23 , psalm 149:5-9,,,and 2nd Peter 3:7-17. O my yes. Christianity’s Supposedly all divine Holy Ghost is, in all reality, a sinful liar and most people on earth today rank infinitely above Christianity’s so called Holy Ghost in every way.

 O MY YES. See? 

 To such people leaving comments here that indicate they are sinless above 2nd Peter 3;7-17 and gloriously righteous I now say , “Well done .” By way of Luke 6:26, 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Matthew 18: verse 7 That’s how you wildly teach children on earth that Christianity’s Holy Ghost is a lying sinful demon while your righteous beyond all measure in this life. 

Very good.

. Well worded and actually Excellent teachings for little children on earth to make notes on. Excellent in fact. Touchรฉ on that note and by way of Matthew 24:35 of Christianity never forget such words I address here on that note . Woolglazihoulizaabluuuglazi! On that note. Pure and simple. Amen.

Ooo and that’s not even mentioning the obvious lie of Christianity’s supposedly all divine Holy Ghost addressed to humans in this life, regarding sinlessly devilish modern technology in alignment to a connection between revelation 16:13-14, Matthew 5:17-20 and deuteronomy 7:26. 

 Because in connection to the first epistle of John chapter two verses 15-17 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 basically every person on earth today places cars and devilish inventions above everything Jesus says in Matthew 24:20-24, James 2:10-11, Luke 23:56, Matthew 5:17-20 and John 15:14 in every way.

 And basically every person on earth today places working for money on christs sabbath through devilish technology infinitely above rest on the sabbath day of Christ on all counts. Which clearly means people on earth today are infinitely above christs Ten decent Commandments in every way likewise. 

 Obviously. And by way of what is addressed in Christianity in mark3:29, and hebrews 6:4-6, that’s wonderful. To mock Christ and Christianity’s Holy Spirit totally deliberately that way. Only righteous glories who righteously hate Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for people would righteously hate Jesus in such a manner. Obviously. 


Am I pouring the righteous sarcasm on just a little too thick in such a subject I am presently addressing here? I’m just curious. I don’t want to be too sarcastic. 

 Or use too much reverse Christian psychology here in pin pointing a serious point to this present life. You know?



So much for that comment attached to that video.

Now let us analyze and evaluate another comment attached to another video on YouTube presently on earth located here.

Below and worded as follows.

Generally speaking? 
I agree. 
I hate even talking about this subject. 

It’s just too much. 
It’s just ridiculous to even talk about let alone think about in my personal opinion.
Yet this topic exists.

And this YouTuber talks about this subject a lot.
To the point where I’m amazed at how much he talks about this topic.

You know? So, on that note? for the record? This YouTuber? Here? Named JD delay? This seems to be one of his favourite topics. And he talks about it a lot. So? On that note? 

I’m forced to do something here. I’m gonna say something now. 
Because it’s neccacary to say what I’m about to say here.

Leviticus 19:35-37 connects to Matthew 5:17-20 on that note.
That means we summarize every fact in this life properly.
Because Jesus says so.
Right there.
In Leviticus 19:35-37..
In connection to Matthew 5:17-20.


On that note?

I’m now forced to address this idiotic topic.

Because this YouTuber who I like keeps talking about it.

And so that means I say what I’m about to say?
It’d  be crazy .

On my part.
So now I’m forced to say this.
So on that note?
Listen .

For the record? It’s time for something here. Note this. Mr JD. DELAY. I’m gonna play a type of advocate here. Now. To this subject.

 It’s not that I want to. It’s that I have to. Why? Because if you do not summarize all the facts of this life properly? And key in every note regarding facts in this life sincerely? 

 Then in a matter of speaking? Your blowing prevarications out a hole located in your head. In a matter of speaking. Which is why I’m forced to now ask this rational question. 

 Which is factual by the way. So it has to be asked. On that note? I now say this. In Christianity? It’s written that a great holy biblical man named king David, who had a heart after God in holiness was married to 14 year old young ladies at various conjectures in time. 

 In this existence. Now? On that note? No where in the sacred scriptures of Christianity does Christianity condemn David for this. In fact, in connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity?

 Numerous statements attributed to even Christianity’s ALL DIVINE Holy Ghost

 clearly praise David 

for being completely holy before both the Lord Jesus Christ and completely holy before the great and fearful holy God of Israel , 


 Christianity does it totally clear everywhere that king David was a holy glory before both God and Christ despite the fact the great righteous biblical man ‘“David’” had sex with 14 year old young ladies. 

 David’s only mistake according to Christianity was having sex with another righteous man’s wife. Named Uriah the Hittite. 

In this life.

 According to Christianity? 

 That’s the only only only error David ever made before Christ and God. In this life.

 Apart from that one mistake David made? The All DIVINE Christian Father Son and Holy Ghost all warn humans that David was filled with the Holy Ghost and completely holy before Christ. Despite the fact David slept with a variety of 14 year old young ladies. In this life.

 Now? I think you know where I’m going with this question. On that note. The Christian scriptures state through Christianity’s all DIVINE Holy Ghost in Malachi 3;6 and hebrews 13;8 that both the holy God of Israel and the Lord Jesus Christ both never change their view points on anything in this life.

 Or any life humans reside in. Period. 

 So? If that’s literally the case? And all the facts of this existence do warrant that, that is literally the case in this life, then my question to you, JD Delay is simply this.

 If Christ justifies David as being totally righteous in everything in this life before God and vice versa ? 

 And it’s completely clear according to the facts of this life that David slept with 14 year old young ladies in this existence, then who is a mere mortal in this life to say David’s not completely righteous in this life? See what I’m saying?

 JD Delay? 

So that means obviously theirs a lot of sinless righteous glorious people on earth today in connection to 2nd Peter 3;7-17  who all rank totally  sinlessly above the supposedly holy fearful sinless God of Israel  jehovah and also  above Christianity’s supposedly all divine Holy Ghost and the supposedly sinless  Jesus Christ in righteousness.

In such a matter.
Regarding this subject therefore.


Regarding how people on earth today for the majority talk about this subject.

Right JDdelay?

Most sinless 
People on earth today are infinitely above the fearful God of Abraham and above Christianity’s Holy Ghost and above Jesus in glorious righteousness in regards to that subject.



But wait?

Hold on now!

I thought Christianity’s supposedly truthful scriptures taught people Jesus was the only sinless one in existence.

Along with His so called sinless  Father and Christianity’s Holy Ghost.

Yet how can the Father son and Holy Ghost in Christianity be sinless if every fact in Christianity and  in this life clearly verifies that the Father son and Holy Ghost condoned the biblical man David as righteous for having sex with 14 year old young ladies?

This is a very good question that I feel nobody today is properly addressing with facts.


 Now  on that note?
I feel 

there’s something else too to this subject likewise. That probably needs an address in words 


And it’s a real righteous doozy of a question.

I’ll tell ya.

Wait til you hear it.

It’s interesting.

And perhaps even nuts.

At least molecularly speaking it might be nuts.

Wait til you hear it.

 That question is simply the following. In Christianity? 


Just for the appropriate sake of record?

This needs to be added to this comments contents.

Worded as follows.

For the record?

 Every fact in Christianity states that the all DIVINE Father of Jesus Christ as well as Christianity’s SACRED sinless ALL DIVINE Holy Ghost sinlessly willed  a lady named Mary , the mother of Jesus, “”””””the mother Mary, ‘“”

”at only 12 years of age,,,,

to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named joesph  in this life.

And it also says that Mary had other children too .

After Mary was impregnated sinlessly by Christianity’s Holy Ghost.
At 13.

Mary then had a child by joesph at 15 years of age and then 16 likewise.

According to church records on the subject.

And all facts in this life verify to mere humans that the father of Jesus and Christianity’s Holy Ghost are immaculately sinless above humans in this life.


So what’s that mean exactly?

Woe noooooooo!!!

Woe my God!!!!!!!!!



Woe my sweet wonderous God!!!




Woe noooo!


Wait now.


To summarize this?

This needs to be stated right now.


How could the supposedly sinless Father of Jesus Christ and the supposedly sinless Holy Ghost in Christianity will the holy mother of Jesus, the mother Mary,’” at only 12 years of age,  to get married to a biblical man named joesph , when that biblical man named  joesph was actually 40 years in age and the holy mother Mary was only 12 years in age!????

How could christs totally sinless Father do such a supposedly sinful thing?

In connection to Luke 6:26 of Christianity so

sweet crazy madness of insane wonders!!

What is going on here?

Especially by way of 2nd John 1:10-11 of Christianity!

You know?

JD Delay?


In summary  just for the record?

This topic actually also reflects another videos contents placed on YouTube  by jd delay.

Just for the record.

Which probably requires an address likewise.

I cannot remember the exact name of the video yet for the record?

I believe the videos title is 
Sanfrancisco California is dirty for legalizing nudity. 

It’s an interesting video jd delay puts out actually…

The video in question  finds jd delay questioning whether Christianity’s Holy Ghost is pathetically sinful and totally corrupt for ordering the biblical Israeli prophet isiah to go walking bare naked in front of everyone at a certain conjecture in time in this existence.

Jd delay actually psychotically idiotically questions the morality of Jesus Christ , the Father of Jesus and the morality of Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost likewise in ordering the Israeli prophet isiah to go bare naked in public at a certain conjecture in time in this existence.

In connection to isiah 20:2-4 actually…



By which factor JDdelay is boasting to everyone on earth that JDdelay ranks infinitely above the Godhead of Christianity in authority aimlessness  and total glorious righteousness in this life.

In fact JDdelay is ridiculously implying that many people are sinless above Christ and the godhead of Christianity in this life because they are not naked nor enforce nakedness unlike what the godhead of Christianity does in 1st Samuel 19:24 and isiah 20;2-4.

Connected to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 obviously…

Yet on that note?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

Let the reader note this here and now on this subject.

no where in Christianity does it say that being naked is sinful.
In connection to 2nd Peter 1;19-21
Christianity’ makes that obvious truth  entirely clear in 1st Samuel 19:24, isiah 20:2-4 and also a functions which directly relate to what Christianity teaches all humans of in this life in 2nd Esdras 14;46-48…

So JDdelay should think about those statements just made there.

And probably, on that note jd should quit boasting that he’s better then christs prophets in this life.

Because jd is not nude in this life and christs prophets in this life were nude before children in this life.

Being nude does not mean one is sinful.

As psalm 51:10, Matthew 15:1-15 and isiah 1;13 warn all humans in this life.

Every part of Christianity’s scriptures teach humans the accuracy of  that concept.

Call a spade a spade.

On that note.

Just food for thought.



By way of 2nd Peter 3:7-17 do you want to tell the fearful God of Israel and the Father of Jesus that , they, and Christianity’s supposedly all divine  Holy Ghost are sinfully wrong for willing the mother Mary to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named joesph in this life?

It’s up to you.

I mean, I’m not saying you have to tell them their wrong in that.

But by your words on this subject?

 you seem to be sinlessly opposed to Christ and above the fearful God of Israel in this subject.

 and you seem to be above the Father of Jesus and above Christianity’s Holy Ghost in total divine sinless righteousness in regards to this subject.


Which I find interesting.


On that note?

JD ?

For the record ?

I just thought I’d relate this information to you.

On that note.

Now, regarding this video below?

I reemphasise the preceding statements in words because it’s neccacary.

Regarding the following YouTube video I attach here .


Before i state the following i want to say this.
On this subject.
For the record :
I personally feel a person should wait til their 18 to engage in romance.

In this subject addressed.

Its just my humble opinion.

But thats just simply  my own personal opinion.

I'm not speaking for anyone else in stating that opinion.
And that includes God and Jesus.

As I am a Christian in this life.

I'm just speaking on my own behalf in asserting such a statement presently 
Now i wish to state the following.
Respectfully to everyone.


Theirs something in this topic that people who judge in this matter  never rationally consider.

And it needs to be said.

Once and for all.
Regarding this apecific time period in human history.

Word it in a letter i address to another  gentleman with a youtube account named JD Delay.

And i feel, once the readers of this comment read it?

They'll see that perhaps people of this time period who quickly judge on this matter might not realize something on this subject:


This is that letter.
Located below and now 
Addressed as follows.

 This is a very good question that I feel nobody today is properly addressing with facts. See? Now on that note? I feel there’s something else too to this subject likewise. 

 That probably needs an address in words likewise. Too. And it’s a real righteous doozy of a question. 

 I’ll tell ya. Wait til you hear it. It’s interesting. And perhaps even nuts. At least molecularly speaking it might be nuts. Wait til you hear it. That question is simply the following. In Christianity? 


 Just for the appropriate sake of record? This needs to be added to this comments contents. Worded as follows.

 For the record? Every fact in Christianity states that the all DIVINE Father of Jesus Christ as well as Christianity’s SACRED sinless ALL DIVINE Holy Ghost sinlessly willed a lady named Mary , the mother of Jesus, “”””””the mother Mary, ‘“” ”at only 12 years of age,,,, to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named joesph in this life. 

 And it also says that Mary had other children too . After Mary was impregnated sinlessly by Christianity’s Holy Ghost. At 13. 

 Mary then had a child by joesph at 15 years of age and then 16 likewise. According to church records on the subject.

 And all facts in this life verify to mere humans that the father of Jesus and Christianity’s Holy Ghost are immaculately sinless above humans in this life. Actually. 

 So what’s that mean exactly? 

 Woe noooooooo!!!

 Woe my God!!!!!!!!!

 JD!!!! Wtf?!!! 

 Woe my sweet wonderous God!!

! WTF?? See? JD? 

 Woe noooo!

 So? Wait now. 

 So? To summarize this? This needs to be stated right now. JD? 

 How could the supposedly sinless Father of Jesus Christ and the supposedly sinless Holy Ghost in Christianity will the holy mother of Jesus, the mother Mary,’” at only 12 years of age, to get married to a biblical man named joesph , when that biblical man named joesph was actually 40 years in age and the holy mother Mary was only 12 years in age!???? 

 How could christs totally sinless Father do such a supposedly sinful thing? In connection to Luke 6:26 of Christianity so sweet crazy madness of insane wonders!

! What is going on here? Especially by way of 2nd John 1:10-11 of Christianity! You know? 

 JD Delay? 


 Just food for thought. 

 JD. Meaning? 

 By way of 2nd Peter 3:7-17 do you want to tell the fearful God of Israel and the Father of Jesus that , they, and Christianity’s supposedly all divine Holy Ghost are sinfully wrong for willing the mother Mary to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named joesph in this life?

 When Mary was only 12 years old. In this life. It’s up to you. JD. I mean, I’m not saying you have to tell them their wrong in that. But by your words on this subject? you seem to be sinlessly opposed to Christ and above the fearful God of Israel in this subject. 

 and you seem to be above the Father of Jesus and above Christianity’s Holy Ghost in total divine sinless righteousness in regards to this subject. Likewise.

 Which I find interesting.

 So? On that note? JD ?

 For the record ?

 I just thought I’d relate this information to you. On that note. 

Don’t go crazy on this subject. 

On that note. JD . Just be calm. 

And analyze the facts. 

 Did I say



 O my God!!! 



Now, that is the letter I sent to JDDelay on such a matter .
Yet now ,to 

To speak bluntly in closing this subject?

I'll say this.

Humans today need to note this:

Do not think your better then God in this subject.

Simply because the facts of this life verify God confined the biblical man David for such actions and simply because history verifies God and christianitys holy ghost willed the mother Mary to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph when Mary was only twelve years in age in this life.":

God and Jesus are not sinful or wrong in this matter:

Contrary to what sinful humans on earth today who judge God and Jesus in this matter stupidly think on this subject.
It's that simple:

Yet nevertheless, that said?

On this matter?
I'll now rationally state this.
Just for the appropriate sake of record.

the problem with this idiotic situation and subject addressed in summary is this. ?
From a molecular stand point anyways?

It’s the fact God can purify anything from a mortal stand point.
And David had a heart like God in this life.

In this life.

That’s why in connection to on to psalm 32:1-2 and 1st Timothy 1;9-10 God and Jesus over looked the fact David slept with 14 year olds in this life.

But the problem also with this situation  in connection to 2nd cor 4:4 and Luke 1:37 is that Satan is jehovah and, one of the most powerful Gods in this life.

And technically speaking Gods in this life do what they want and sometimes feud with each other.

In heavens realms.

In rankings.

Due to age of deity’s.

Regarding all ultimate previous existences.

But Satan likes to toy with idiotic mortals who don’t truly care for what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through Jesus in Matthew 5:17-20 of Christianity.


 most mortals are not truly sincere to the commandments of Christ in this life.
That’s the problem.

With this idiotic topic.

Which unfortunately requires an address here.

Due to the idiocies of most humans on earth today in regards to what Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20…

Add that concept to the fact devilishinventions are everywhere on earth presently?
And it enables Satan and evil spirits to callouslyplay with this idiotic situation.

With dumb mortals who do not pay attention to what Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20.

That’s the problem with this idiotic topic on earth today.

Pure and simple I begin this website with this": The following...